Frequently asked questions

How can we help you?

My Account

How do I create an account?

You can create an account here or set up one at checkout.

Do I have to set up an account?

Yes, due to the secure nature of our products and services and the regulated nature of our business we require an account to be created under your company name.

Who can buy from BDO Store?

Businesses and corporate entities can buy from BDO Store. Please enter your registered company or business name as part of the registration process, and if applicable, your VAT number.

How do I edit my account information?

You can update your information by logging in to your account here and by clicking on ‘Addresses’ or ‘Account details’.

I have lost my password, how do I reset it?

You can update your login details here.

How do I delete my account?

Please get in touch with us via the contact form.

My Orders

What countries can I buy your products from?

We currently accept orders from UK and EU countries, and in GBP only.

What are my payment choices?

You can pay direct via credit or debit card or by invoice. These options can be chosen at checkout. All orders are charged in GBP.

When will I receive my order?

Once you place your order, we need to check that we don’t have a conflict of interest. It’s something we have to do to comply with the rules on independence, quality and risk. These checks will take a few working days and we aim to complete them as soon as possible.

You order will display as ‘Processing’ in your account while we carry out these checks.

Why is my order displayed as ‘processing’ in my account?

After you place your order, we need to check that we don’t have a conflict of interest. You order will display as ‘Processing’ in your account while we carry out these checks. Once this is complete you will be able to access your product, and the ‘Processing’ status will change to ‘Access’. You will be notified of this update via email.

How can I access my product(s)?

Please login to your account here and refer to the ‘My Products’ section. The status will change to ‘Access’ once we have carried out the conflict checks. You will be notified of this via email.

Some product(s) may be sent to your directly, in which case we will notify you of this on your order.

Payment and Billing

How can I view my receipt / invoice?

You can view your orders in your account under ‘Order History’. A separate VAT invoice will be sent to you within a few days, regardless if you pay online or not.

When will my payment card be charged?

Your payment card (if you paid online) will be charged immediately when you place your order. If you requested an invoice then please follow the payment instructions on the invoice.

How can I contact you about a payment?

Please get in touch with us via the contact form.

What types of payment cards do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express debit, credit and charge cards registered to UK or EU countries. We do not accept payment cards from other countries. The maximum payment amount allowed is £10,000. For purchases in excess of £10,000, please contact us.

My payment card has been declined or the payment cannot complete, what do I do?

Please retry the card, and/or use another card, or you can request an invoice to settle ahead of the order being fulfilled. If you need support, please contact us via this form.


How do I request a refund?

Please get in touch with us via the contact form.


What is your Privacy Policy?

Please find a link to our Privacy Policy here.

Help and Support

How do I contact you?

Please get in touch via the contact form or call our technical customer support team on 0208 057 1200.

I need support on a technical issue.

Please get in touch via the contact form or call our technical support team on 0208 057 1200 and describe your issue.

I need IT support on P11D software.

Please get in touch via the contact form, call our technical support team on 0208 057 1200, or email the technical support team at the address in your P11D Software help guide, and describe your issue.

P11D Software system requirements.

Client machine

  • Version – Compatible with legacy windows operating systems, however, for the best experience we would recommend Windows 10 and above
  • Processor – 1.8GH or Higher
  • Ram – At least 1GB
  • Free Space – 4.5GB
  • System Type – 32/64bit operating System
  • Additional Software – Microsoft .Net 4.6.1 installed

Server Minimum Specification

  • Version – 2008R2 or later
  • Processor – 1CPU
  • Ram – 4GB
  • Database size – limited to your environment P11D Software supports a PAC file.
  • The collation of the database is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
  • The P11D Database is not encrypted
  • Application will support C-NAME
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